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12:00 am
Closed in New Year's Day
Closed in New Year's Day
10:00 am
Private Booking
Private Booking
10:00 am
Embroider It!
Embroider It!
1:00 pm
Tucker University Sophomore Year 2024-2025 - Geese on the Edge
Tucker University Sophomore Year 2024-2025 - Geese on the Edge
5:00 pm
Tucker University Juniors - Offset Four Patch 1
Tucker University Juniors - Offset Four Patch 1
1:00 pm
Tucker University Freshman Year 2024-2025 - Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star
Tucker University Freshman Year 2024-2025 - Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star
5:00 pm
Tucker University Senior Year 2024-2025 Checkerboard 60
Tucker University Senior Year 2024-2025 Checkerboard 60
10:00 am
Sew It's Wednesday!
Sew It's Wednesday!
11:00 am
Patchwork Duffle Bag
Patchwork Duffle Bag
10:00 am
Quilted Jacket
Quilted Jacket
10:00 am
DWSC Bag Ladies
DWSC Bag Ladies
1:30 pm
Tag Along I
Tag Along I
10:00 am
Creative Piecers - Quilts of Valor
Creative Piecers - Quilts of Valor
10:00 am
Quilted Jacket
Quilted Jacket
1:00 pm
Tucker University Make-up Class for Freshman
Tucker University Make-up Class for Freshman
10:00 am
Embroider It!
Embroider It!
10:30 am
Intro to Collage from a Photograph-Cardinal - Snow day make up class Day2
Intro to Collage from a Photograph-Cardinal - Snow day make up class Day2
10:00 am
Quilted Jacket
Quilted Jacket